
1. Wikipedia: Year-round School

2. PBS NewsHour: Year-Round School Commits to Students from Middle School to Last Day of College

3. About.com Year-Round Education: Pros and Cons

4. Family Education: Year-Round Schooling 
(1st and 2nd links - skip ads)

5. The National Association of Year-Round Education

_Modified CRAAP  TEST_____________________

  1. Currency - Up to Date information
    1. date of creation
    2. date of last revision
    3. active links
  2. Relevance -
    1. is most of the information on the site useful for your research
    2. does it have enough to use
  3. Accuracy - replaced with Ease of Use
    1. can you understand
    2. easy to read
    3. headings, titles
    4. photos, maps, illustrations
    5. site map
    6. searching
  4. Authority -
    1. author listed (not webmaster)
    2. is the author part of an organization who owns the site
    3. site have any awards
    4. was it from a site you trust (sweetsearch, inspire, grolier)
    5. sources for stats
    6. contact author
    7. grammar, spelling,
  5. Purpose
    1. fact vs opinion
    2. advertising
    3. sponsored by an organization
    4. tone - calm, fair, angry,mean
    5. open to everyone
    6. domain - .edu.net.org.gov

    The above is from Common Sense Media's Identifying High Quality Websites - full lesson found here.

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